Through his ever-evolving art, Takeru Amano continues to dazzle and inspire a global audience, affirming his place among the trending artists of contemporary art.

Takeru Amano (1977) was born with a pencil in his hand. His whole family was drawing; it was part of their daily life. He therefore didn’t go to art school. What could a school teach him that he didn’t already know? The Takeru Amano we celebrate today, was already there.  

His world is unique and childlike, inspired by the Japanese culture of the end of the 20th century in which he grew up. Takeru uses classical, philosophical or even mythological subjects and mixes them with neo-pop aesthetics and often a touch of humour. This fusion of influences has earned him popularity and recognition.

Think of a Venus with a lemon. Or the Virgin Mary sketched in bright neon colours. It can be surprising to see these well-known (Western) icons, from his Tokyo pop perspective, surreal even. 

His works have been showcased in Tokyo, Hong Kong, New York, London, Paris, and other cities nationally and internationally, appreciated as a bridge between pictorial tradition and modern times.